Our BRAND NEW sensor and advanced diagnostics are here!

Written by Hayley Parsons | Nov 18, 2022 2:00:00 AM

Good Morning!

Happy November (Yeah... It's November already. WHAT?

!). Thanks so much for your feedback last month. The consensus was... drum roll please... that you preferred hearing from us monthly!

It's nice to hear our love isn't unrequited, so now we're moving back to our regularly scheduled programming. Enjoy!


Shield your eyes, a brighter future is coming your way.

Introducing: FitScope.

Our Time Waveform feature has been given a revamp on steroids! This feature now combines our core diagnostic tools, including the Time Series Waveform, Spectrogram, Interactive FFT, Waterfall Plot and Condition Scores, into a single, easy-to-use interface.

This unified Diagnostics View can help you better understand how your equipment's vibration changes daily, so you can more easily identify operational changes and equipment faults and optimise your production! In particular, we find this feature helps identify transient issues that may be missed or are challenging to capture. Check it out!


Guess Who's Back?

For those who have been with us for a while, you may remember our ISO Table feature. Well, good news, it's back!

On your Measured Data Chart, you'll now notice a reading of your equipment's RMS and Class and an ISO Table button. The table provides you with a representation of the vibration of your equipment against the ISO Vibration Standards chart, relative to the vibration experienced by an asset and its class. :)


Pinpoint the problem.

Got connectivity problems? To help with network troubleshooting, we've updated it so that you can edit the details of an access point! Location, we're looking at you.

This has been implemented to assist with correcting details that may aid in identifying the status and troubleshooting of an access point. For instance, understanding which FitMachines are connecting to which access points.


You've got the power!

Launching THIS JANUARY is our new FitPower Sensor! Combining the ease of installation you've come to know from FitMachine, FitPower is able to measure current from equipment utilising single or three-phase power by simply attaching it to the power cable using zip ties. No complicated installations required!

FitPower will be able to measure the current usage of your individual equipment to help you determine your energy costs and whether they could be improved. We've also got a variety of other capabilities planned in the very near future.

We'll have limited quantities available at launch, so register your interest below to learn more!


ARYZTA Case Study

Quite often, with maintenance transformation projects involving Industry 4.0 tech, it can be hard to get buy-in from the rest of the business. But this brand new case study from our customer ARYZTA has provided solid proof of the impact that IoT maintenance tools can have on both operations and maintenance (amongst other things)!

It's a fantastic read. So, a special thanks to ARYZTA for all their help and insight!

That's all for now! Enjoy the rest of your day.

Hayley and the MOVUS Team.