New features are here, and they're scarily good 👻

Good morning (and Happy Halloween!). How have you been?

You may have noticed it’s been a while since you’ve seen a MOVUS newsletter. We missed you, and (hopefully? 😢) you did too. 

This quarter we shifted our focus from being efficient to being effective. So,  we've decided to only share highly significant news with you, rather than the minor topics we have discussed historically. 

If this is something you prefer, or perhaps you liked hearing from us regularly, please let us know using the form below. We want our newsletters to be an effective use of your time, after all. Thank you!

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One of the main reasons we've been quieter recently is because the team has been working on some MAJOR updates! It's a lot of change, so please reach out to our support team if you'd like some help or training on the new features.

Read on to learn more!


Event Impact

Event Impact Newsletter

Whether your records are physical or digital, it can be hard to keep track of the costs of your maintenance efforts, let alone effectively communicate them to others when the time comes to quantify the impact of preventative maintenance and how much money you've helped the company save. 

Event Impact allows you to track the costs associated with maintenance events on each of your monitored assets. Here you can bring together actual, estimated and avoided costs (such as lost production, labour and product costs), and create summaries for specific events, equipment, and even groups of equipment. 

This comes highly requested, so we're SUPER excited to hear your feedback!

Learn More about Event Impact

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Filter out the Noise, with Alarm Channels

Alarm Channels

Receiving too many alarms, or alarms for equipment not relevant or meaningful to you? Under your user settings, you can now set Alarm Channel Preferences!

This feature allows you to control which device groups you receive notifications from, what types of alarms you receive, and whether or not you receive escalated alarm notifications if no actions are taken (outlined shortly). The choice is yours!

Learn More about Alarm Channels

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Alarm Escalations

Alarm Escalations

As part of Alarm Channels, deserving of a special mention, is Alarm Escalations. Why?

Picture this:
 A pump on your site is failing, and the FitMachine is alarming. Red Alert! Red Alert! But Paul, John, and Steve, the only people receiving alarms for that asset, are off-site. What do you do? No one is seeing the alarms!

With escalations, alarms can be automatically escalated to other users if an initial alarm isn't acknowledged within a specified number of hours (the timeframe and designated personnel are up to you). 

This helps ensure information is distributed to the necessary people and that appropriate action is taken. And to make things easy, you can configure the notifications based on individual assets, groups of assets or fleet-wide.

Learn More about Alarm Channels

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Updated Notification Actions

Updated Notifications Image

Upon special request, in our notification centre you now have the capability to mark all notifications as read, clear all read notifications, or simply clear all. Clutter? Gone. 

Learn about the Notification Centre

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Equipment Role

Equipment Role Image

Finally, as another requested feature, you can now mark equipment as either primary or standby. This provides an easy way to filter equipment that is off/on standby on the Equipment List Page.

Learn How to Edit an Equipment's Details

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Some of our latest updates:

Blog Posts:

Honourable Mention: The Augmented Expert: How to support SME's working from anywhere


That's all for now! Enjoy the rest of your day.

Hayley and the MOVUS Team.

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